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Health Insurance for Nutrition Services
Your insurance policy may cover the visit.
Did you know that many health insurance companies cover nutritional counseling? This is often thee case EVEN if you don't have an actual diagnosis BUT still want to come in for nutrition counseling for prevention of a disease.
Why not check to see if your insurance policy will cover the visits? Start by calling the 800 number on the back of your insurance card and ask to speak with a representative.
The information below will walk you through the steps to take to see if your insurance will cover the cost of nutrition counseling for your visit.
What insurance companies does Caitlin participate with?At the present time Caitlin is a preferred provider with United Health Care, Healthcare Highways, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Health Choice, Oklahoma Complete Health, SoonerCare and Medicare.
Can I use my insurance for Telehealth services with Caitlin?Since the pandemic most insurances are covering for Telehealth services. Check with your Insurance provider to see if they are still covering Telehealth services.
What happens if you do not participate with my insurance?In the event that you carry insurance that Cailtin is considered out of network you will need to pay for your counseling session at the time of service. We are happy to provide you with a "Suberbill" and/or an itemized invoice so you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Reimbursement is based on your policy's standards. Please call your insurance company's memeber service number to verify how reimbursement works under your current insurance policy. Please note if you do not have an insurance which considers Caitlin as out-of network, Caitlin cannot submit directly on your behalf, she can only supply you with the approprate paperwork. Therefore, payment is due at the time of service directly payable to Barringer Nutrition.
What questions should I ask when calling my insurance company?Do I have nutritional counseling coverage on my insurance plan? If the insurance company asks for a CPT code pleaase provide them with the following codes 97802 & 97803. If they say you do not have coverage using those codes NEXT ask them to check your coverage for the following CPT codes: 99401, 99402, 99403, and 99404. Will my diagnosis be covered? If the representative asks for a diagnosis code, plase tell them the visit is coded the ICD 10 code: Z71.3. If they don't accept Z71.3 then provide them with Z72.4 and see if they will cover that diagnosis instead on your plan. If you are overeight, obese, have pre-diabetes, diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol you may want to see what your covereage is for these diagnoses as well. i always code your vsit using preventative coding to maximize the number of visits you receive from your insurance carrier How many visits do I have per calendar year? Your carrier will let you know how many visits they are willing to cover. Depending on the carrier the number of visits vary from 0 to unlimited depending on medical need. Have I met my deductible? In the event you have a deductible I will not be able to initiaally bill you insurance company directly. Therefore, payment is due at the time of each visit. I will provide you with the appropriate documentation to submit to your insurance company to show receipt of services. This will allow you to "pay down" your deductible. Once your deductible has been met and you have nutrition services on your policy, I can then directly bill your insurance company. Do I have a co-pay for nutritional counseling? For most insurance companies I am considered a specialist. Therefore, your specialist co-pay is applicable and is payaable at the time of service. This information is often apparent on the front of your actual insurance card. However, often because we bill your insurance with preventative counseling the co-pay is often not applicable. We generally wait for the claim to be processed to determine whether or not you have a co-pay and then charge the credit card you have on file with us the co-pay amount.
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